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Sinking Into Oblivion

My webhoster just sent me the bill for renewal of web space and URL. That reminds me that I haven’t running-blogged anything since completing the London Marathon. What a waste of web space rental.

Well, I have a full year now to decide whether I actually want to post stuff or to let my little running adventures sink into oblivion. Tough choice. I like writing and I like writing about running, but I hate pressure and don’t perform very well when sensing it. Having a blog that needs constant feeding in order to be somewhat justified IS pressure. Any ideas how to over come it?

It is a bit of a shame, because this blog knows nothing about the awesome Lakeland Trails Marathon three weeks ago, an adventure compared best to be thrown right into a Lord of the Rings movie setting and then run your way out of it. It was amazing.

Further while I am trying to reach a physical state where my legs and feet don’t burn like hell every morning I get up, the next Marathon is already in line: Frankfurt, end of October. Yikes. Maybe I should start once again sharing my pain with the part of the world who wants to know about it. Is shared pain not half the pain? We shall see.

Published inNews


  1. Laraba Laraba

    Frankfurt Marathon! My brother-in-law has registered, and I think one of my cousins too. I shall be there to cheer. πŸ™‚

    • Roy Roy

      Great! I am running it with a friend. Do you know what time your brother in law is aiming for? Maybe we can meet up at the finish line :)) I will look out for you!

  2. Cathy Bunt Cathy Bunt

    My advice would be to sign up, use it, but only communicate when you feel like it. That’s the advice I would give to journal writing too. Then there’s no pressure. It’s really interesting reading what you are up to. I’m running my first 5K tomorrow and I think my knees are better.

    Happy running/writing!

  3. Roy Roy

    It already got it extended, Cathy. That’s why I still got a year to decide what to do. Costs me about Β£80 per year… Really not sure if it’s worth it. This whole “feeling like it” works with journal writing and but not with blogging somehow. Have to figure it out I guess, but nice to hear positive feedback, thank you πŸ™‚ Hope your run got all well! Happy running to you too!!

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