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Red carpet

This picture is as much as you get from the red carpet. Unfortunately not much. But let me assure you, it was GREAT! My running buddy Michael disappeared, I did not tell him about my tradition of taking bad quality pics not only from the start but also the finish. That’s why you see only me grinning. But we ran and finished the marathon together, which was a cool experience. And we managed to get exactly the same time: 4:04:59. A bit slower than my last marathons, but strangely it does not feel one bit easier to run a little bit slower. I thought I could use this as a test for approaching ultras: reserving energy by running slower. Did not work, but anyway Frankfurt was a great experience and I will figure out the right ultra approach an other time 🙂

Published inNews


  1. Roy Roy

    Thanks guys. My legs are recovered now and I can’t wait for the next one in two weeks. Istanbul I am coming!!

    • Simone Simone

      Oh Istanbul is great!!!! Just been there in September and loved it. Enjoy it!!!

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