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NY Start Adventure

This must be the logistically most complex (or adventurous) travel to the start line I have done so far. It sounded quite ok in theory, but from Jersey City to the ferry to the shuttle bus to the villages finding your right areas, drop off, corral (pen)… Well, I made it and being a good German I made it far ahead of time (big thanks to Simone at this point for all the help!) More than an other hour to go before it starts. This is complete madness, like most of what I experienced of New York so far – madness in a sort of good way of course. The weather on the other hand is perfect. No rain, no cold temperatures, no icy winds: feeling blessed. See you at the finish!

Published inNews


    • Roy Roy

      Thank you!!! It was great and I am very happy with how it went. Especially that I could truly enjoy it and had a lot of fun. It helped that I had a friend here, who came to cheer as some points of the marathons, gave me a bottle of water at mile 8 and at mile 20 was holding up a sign with the Hamburg signature cheer: “Da geht noch was!” LOL. I am still convinced New York and its people are completely mad – and I am loving it 🙂

  1. Gerty Gerty

    Wow, well done and congrats Roy.
    A big notch on your belt I gather 😀

    • Roy Roy

      Thank you Gerty! It is a big notch indeed. The experience was fabulous. Preparing the more detailed report about the New York Madness. Will post it soon. RiGht now I am still enjoying the last moment in New York.

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