And here comes marathon number 5: Warsaw. Why Warsaw? Well, I initially wanted to run Loch Ness this weekend, but somehow it seemed to be all to complicated, pricy and such a hassle. It’s strange, but traveling within UK seems to be more effort than hopping on a plane and going abroad. In case of Warsaw I could conveniently leave home at 11am and will be still I time to pick up my race number at Stadion Narodowy by 8pm. I found an affordable but nice place to sleep, only 20 min to walk to where it starts tomorrow and in the afternoon I’ll catch the flight back. Sounds easy. Easier and cheaper than travelling to Scotland. And I spoke to some people who even say Warsaw is worth a visit. Let’s see.
Off To Warsaw
Published inNews
Warsaw is still on my list of places to visit. We went to Krakow before and that was worth a visit. Let me know how you liked it.