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Month: February 2018

First World Problem Solved

I solved a first world problem! Well, with the comment “first world problem” my friend Michael responded to my desperate previous post about trying to prepare adequately for a potential mind-numbing tack marathon in Braintree next week. First world problem – that, as a good German, made me think, and reflexes of Weltschmerz, self-doubt and saving-the-world-urges kicked in. Hahaha. But hey, at least that one problem got solved! First world or not. Yesterday I took the bull by the horns and completed my…

Track Marathon Prep

This track marathon in Braintree next weekend is looming over me. I am blaming my friend Cathy! Even routes made out of two half marathons challenge my run to have fun sensibilities. The track marathon is made out of 105,5 (one-hundred-and-five point five!) 400m laps. I am even challenged to count to 105. “But they count for you”, Cathy argued. Not realising that this is not really the point I said: “Ok then, I sign up.” Which I did. And only…

The Next Step Strategy

Boy, do these YouTube clips take time to produce! I completely underestimated the task. I am learning a lot, but with each new clip, I do something I have not done before, which eats up more time. So, here we go, clip No 6, from last Sunday’s run all through London. It starts slow, me being in bed mulling over where to get motivation from and remembering a TED Talk How endurance athletes are using the power of the now.…

Experimental Running

There is this term “experimental tourism”, which captures the idea of just roaming around foreign places exploring without a specific destination. That works for running, too. And with the dwMap app for Garmin, you can do both, roam around unknown places and still don’t get totally lost and be back home in time.  I show you how in the clip and also show some iPhone footage that went horribly wrong. Enjoy, subscribe, like, dislike, comment or ask questions. Do you…

The Alban Way

Here comes a new clip from my Sunday run with running buddy Hakeem. The Alban Way is not a new lifestyle mantra, but an actual path that follows an old disused train line to St Albans, a town whose history goes back to Roman times and is named after Alban, the first British saint. They have a nice Abbey there, which can also be seen in the video.  

New YouTube Channel

Do three published videos already make a channel? Well, three is better than none I guess and the last one shows a full minute of footage me running through London. Yeah. I got the idea for this a few days ago, when after a major Facebook mishap I decided to say goodbye to Mark Zuckerberg’s social network monster. You suddenly have a lot of spare time If you can’t spend it scrolling through random posts and updates. So here it…