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Track Marathon Prep

This track marathon in Braintree next weekend is looming over me. I am blaming my friend Cathy! Even routes made out of two half marathons challenge my run to have fun sensibilities. The track marathon is made out of 105,5 (one-hundred-and-five point five!) 400m laps. I am even challenged to count to 105.
“But they count for you”, Cathy argued. Not realising that this is not really the point I said: “Ok then, I sign up.”
Which I did. And only now I realise that them counting for me the laps is as helpful as a sadistic dentist counting all your teeth while pulling them. But here I am, the marathon is next week and I better get on with finding the right mental state. On Wednesday I tried running several times around a sports ground close by and vlogged the experience.

Watched it? Exactly… Three days later I am still not sure what to think.

Published inNews


  1. Cathy Cathy

    Heh heh you made me laugh. I’m so excited can’t wait!! You can blame me if you like!! Skip will come to watch too. Yay. 🙂 We are going to have a blast and I’m going to run a sub 4!!

    • Roy Roy

      I could try to pace you for your sub 4. I see a lot of wins here: 1st) It would take my mind off the monstrosity of this task 2nd) If I managed to pace you through it would at least serve a purpose 3rd) If I don’t manage to pace you through and you don’t do a sub 4, that would be the perfect revenge. However, if I failed to do a sub 4, but you would carry on and do your sub 4 anyways… And considering our recent running history, that is probably the most likely outcome. Ehm, forget what I said… 😉

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