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Timelord on the Thames

What a name for a running event, uh? “Timelord on the Thames.” And if you think the name is epic, you should see the medal. Rumor has it that there are non-runners Dr. Who fans, who torture their way through the minimum of one lap just to get this medal. One lap is  an eighth of a marathon, a bit over 5k. Initially I did not realise that the doors of the blue phone box can be opened and you find the latest Dr. Who charater behind them! No wonder Dr. Who fans are going to their utmuost to get one.Others, like me, took the “6 hours challenge” literal and, well, ran for six hours. I blame my German genes. If it says “6 hours” I just can’t stop after four, even if the marathon distance is done. As a result I ran 58k (or 36.1 miles). It took me 5 hours 57 minutes, and if they had let me go out for another lap, I would have done that, too. Because 5:57 hours are not six. But they didn’t. The rules said, you can only start a new lap if you have a realistic chance to finish it within six hours. I was lucky I guess, another 5k on those wobbely legs down this repetive stretch along the Thames wouldn’t had been much fun.

I am preparing to do the “Country 2 Capital Ultra” (45mi/72k) in Janurary the second time, hopefully a little bit more dignified than last time. I am pretty scared already. Lets hope for the best and let the fear motivate me to get enough training miles under my belt. The event was done by Phoenix Running, very well organised and with a nice low key feel to it. They do a lot of similar events, it’s worth checking them out.

Published inNews


  1. Heike Nützel Heike Nützel

    Roy, du bist einzigartig und unglaublich 🙂 !!!!!
    Viel Glück für deinen Ultramarathon!
    ganz liebe Grüße aus dem fernem Hersbruck
    Heike ( Mit einem Schmunzelm auf den Lippen und großem Respekt)

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