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Month: February 2013

Ultras are forgiving

“In a sprint, if you don’t have the perfect form, you’re doomed. The ultra distance forgives injury, fatigue, bad form, and illness.” Ultrarunning legend Scott Jurik says this in his recent book Eat & Run. One example? He tells the story, where he tore ligaments in the middle of the Western States 100-Mile race. He decided to continue the run and noticed that the swelling stabilised his foot. He not only completed the grim course, but also became first and did…

Bad run

I am now in week 8 of my plan to become an ultra runner. Apart from week 2 it has been fairly ok. Week 2 was a bit if a disaster. A light cold, bruised hurting hip and all sort of things dampened my spirit. I wrote an endless blog post about it, but it remained unpublished. Not sure if anybody would had been interested in so much moaning. I still managed to do my 60k that week though. Now…